blogs update

We just released a minor update for the blogs. Here’s some of what’s new:

Theme improvements

We’ve continued work on improving our new Simple, Classic and Magazine themes:

  • New colour schemes for themes: we’ve continued to expand the selection of colour schemes available in the theme customization UI with the addition of several new dark schemes, and we’ve improved all of the existing schemes.
  • Reading time indicator: we now show an estimate of the time needed to read a post, based on the number of words in that post.
  • Social network links are now displayed in the colour that you have chosen for your blog title, so you can make them better contrast with your chosen background image.

Community improvements

  • You can now view the list of bloggers on (linked from the sidebar on the community front page). The list is ordered such that the most recently active bloggers are shown at the top.

Plus various fixes and improvements behind the scenes.

Join the Conversation

  1. Hope you are doing well. Do wish that you would use the “copy” function when text or images, etc., are highlighted. Opera does it and it makes it very convenient. You don’t have to right mouse click or go the Menu to copy.

    Any chance that being included in a future update?

    Thank you for the BEST Browser! Excellent work Vivaldi Team!


    Laura A Baker
